What do you say when you’re going into a public bathroom and someone is unexpectedly coming out of it and you almost run into each other? What do you say when you’re trying to go one way while the person walking towards you tries to go that way too? What do you say when you’re looking down at your phone, just to look up and realize you’re about to run into someone? You’re right- you usually say “Sorry” or “Excuse me,” but do you say anything before that? How about something like “Op?” It’s not really a word; it’s more of a noise we make. It kind of just comes out as an automatic response to the awkward situation that just happened, or almost happened.
The “op” might be kind of similar to those people that sneeze and then for some reason “oowee” follows the sneeze. “Achoowee!” Was the “oowee” unavoidable? Is it impossible for them not to say it?
What about “Psh?” Maybe you say this when you disagree with or don’t believe someone? “The Jersey Shore is a very intelligent show.” “Psh.”
Do you ever make these noises? “Hmm.” Some might say “hmm,” when they’re thinking about something or if they don’t really have an answer to a question and may be avoiding it. When you’re pet bird seems you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why you’re just sitting there, staring at carpet? “Hmm.”
Common non-words are ones that mean yes and no. Know what I mean? “Mhmm.” Or, some might say “Uh-huh.” To express a no- perhaps some people might say “unh uh,” or “nah-uh” (the 2nd one people use more to express something that they know is wrong). “That car is black.” “Nah-uh, it’s blue.”
Sometimes people express disgust with a non-word that sounds disgusting. Do you like sauerkraut? “Ugh, unh-uh.” Translation- “Gross, no.”
I wonder if we could ever have a full conversation with these non-words? Or if we could try to go a whole day without using any of these noises? What are some non-words you know and use?
Next time you almost run into someone, take time to notice if that sound comes out- “op.” Or if someone asks you a question that you have to think about, is it possible not to cancel out that silence with “hmm” or “umm?” But why do we speak these non-words or noises in everyday life? Is it just instinctive? ...Welp, don’t aks me.
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